A picture perfect recovery has Bill behind the lens again.
Shortly before my birthday last year, my daughter said to me, “Dad, you’re about to hit your 80th birthday and have never had a broken bone!” Sure enough, not long after that I was working on a ladder and I fell and broke my femur – the biggest bone in my body! I was in the hospital for a few days and chose Franklin Health & Rehabilitation Center for my recovery.
I chose Franklin Heath & Rehabilitation Center because my wife had been there a couple of years before and we had found it to be a really great place with excellent facilities and very caring people. It was an excellent experience for her all-around. After my fall, it was my first choice. If I am ever in need of rehabilitation care in the future, it will be my first choice again, too.
One of the things that really stood out to me was that my LifeWorks Rehab therapists treat every patient as an individual. There are a wide number of patients, with many different reasons for being there, but I was amazed at how they tailored their care to each individual person’s needs. My LifeWorks Rehab therapists formulated a custom plan for my care that was exactly what I needed to get back on my feet. When I first arrived, my right leg was completely locked up. They got me up and moving fast, and in no time I was walking around the center on my own.
I was also amazed at the friendships I made while I was at Franklin Health & Rehabilitation Center. When I went to do my exercise or just walk around the center, everyone was very friendly and knew me by name. When I started eating my meals in the dining room, I met a couple of other fellows that I really bonded with. We forged very strong friendships and I still get together with them even now that I’m back home. The social aspect of my stay at Franklin Health & Rehabilitation Center – and how important that is to your recovery – was a very pleasant surprise.
While being in rehabilitation care isn’t an experience that anybody would exactly wish for, I can say absolutely that it was a very positive experience for me. Not only am I back in very good health, enjoying my hobbies and the things I like to do, but I also made some very good friends. One thing’s for sure, though – I’m definitely not getting up on any ladders!